Please read our Terms of Use very carefully before using Tofutti.com.

In using our website, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to all of these conditions or if you do not understand any of these conditions, please do not use this site; your use constitutes your agreement. These terms are binding upon you.

By using Tofutti.com, you acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older and have read, understood, and agree to honor these Terms of Use.

Tofutti Brands, Inc. may revise or update these Terms of Use at any time. Your continued use of our site and any of our services means that you accept our revisions and changes. You agree that it is your responsibility to keep current on any changes we make to our Terms of Use and Tofutti.com. Please revisit our Terms of Use regularly.

Internet issues

Evolving issues concerning the Internet are beyond the responsibility or control of Tofutti.com. Accordingly, we cannot assume liability for delays, failures, or data transmission related to the Internet. Be assured that we take all necessary steps to keep the service downtime to a minimum and that we use secure server software to ensure your transactional security and privacy.

No warranties or liability

Tofutti Brands, Inc. continually monitors and updates content published on Tofutti.com, but you understand information posted on Tofutti.com may differ from that found on Tofutti products. In no event, however, can Tofutti Brands, Inc. be held responsible for any errors that might inadvertently occur; Tofutti Brands, Inc. will provide no monetary damages in any way. Please email info@tofutti.com to report a discrepancy.


You agree to indemnify and hold Tofutti Brands, Inc. and its entities harmless from and against any and all claims, actions or demands including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from your use of this website.